Pleasant Hill Cemetery is not owned or operated by the City of Lime Springs.
Because of its close association with the City, it is included in this section as if it were an entity of the City.
Your Support Would Be Appreciated
Little communities like Lime Springs depend on voluntary donations and efforts to keep things going. One facility is often overlooked in the many appeals for support:
Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
You may or may not know that it is a private, non-profit, non-discriminatory cemetery, not affiliated with any church or denomination—available to everyone. It is 501c organization and all donations are tax deductible. We receive NO tax money, either from town or township, or the county. Many who live in LS or who once lived here do send gifts when possible, often for occasions like memorials. All gifts are acknowledged and receipts are sent.
Donations may be left at CUSBank with Stacy Dohlman, given to any board member, or mailed to:
Donna Ihns
327 N. Miller St.
Lime Springs IA 52155.
Please consider whether you might be able to help with this cause.
Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Board of Directors:
Stacy Dohlman
Randy Assmus
David Munkel
Ed Hampe
Gary Weyers
Jarry Hughes
Donna Ihns